Singing Guide: The American Breed

Singing Guide: The American Breed

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Vocal Technique

One of The American Breed's most distinct vocal techniques is the use of falsetto. The falsetto technique is vital in achieving a high range while also maintaining a smooth transition between registers. To incorporate falsetto, start by singing a phrase in the head voice while making the vowel shape like 'ooh.' Try to access the higher register in the 'ooh' phrase, gently emitting controlled vibrations and working on your pitch. Supersede the low-powered breathy tones with a more robust sound when moving to a higher voice. Check your progress while singing with the help of the Vocal Pitch Monitor tool.

Famous Songs

Some of The American Breed's famous songs, such as "Bend Me, Shape Me," "Step Out of Your Mind," and "Green Light," showcase Gary Loizzo's falsetto technique. To learn how to sing like Gary, work on individual songs with similar styles.

For "Bend Me, Shape Me," the singer should begin by using the falsetto technique in the chorus and bridge sections of the song. Listen to the song, then practice replicating the moves. The singer should work to create a sound that seamlessly transitions between the low and high ranges.

Relevant Singing Carrots Resources

  • Pitch training: includes interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility. These exercises cover the areas that The American Breed's Gary Loizzo used in his singing, such as falsetto singing, accurate pitch, and range control.
  • Search songs: allows the singer to find songs matching their vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference. It's a great way to find new songs to learn that incorporate techniques similar to those used by Gary Loizzo.
  • Singing course: a 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips. It would be a useful resource for those who want to learn singing from scratch or improve their technique.


To sing like Gary Loizzo, work on your falsetto technique and practice songs that utilize it. Use Singing Carrots resources to help you improve your pitch, range, and overall singing ability. Remember to practice regularly and be patient with yourself. If you put in the time and effort, you'll be able to sing like The American Breed's wonderfully distinct lead singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.